Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 2012 - Torso

Going to try and get back into the rhythm of doing a daily practice session, maybe even follow a theme until I have a good handle on what I'm practicing. For now, it's the upper torso, with emphasis on the arms and the chest/neck.

The rules for these practice sessions are simple. Three layers: a sketch, a blind drawing without reference to the anatomy textbook, and then a "fixed" version drawn while referencing the book.

The initial sketch. I'm hoping to improve the understructure in addition to the overstructure each day. 

 The blind drawing, drawn overtop of the sketch. There's a definite reliance on symbols here; I'm compensating for a lack of real knowledge by filling in the gaps with assumptions. Most of the pieces are in the right spot though, so that's an okay starting point.

 The blind drawing, without the sketch layer visible. This looks a lot worse, and it shows that I didn't have a particular body type in mind when I started. The trapezius and the neck imply a level of bulky muscle that the rest of the body doesn't have.

 The fixed version, drawn with the help of some anatomy textbooks. This was a slow process, and I let myself get distracted too often.

The fixed version by itself. I paid too much attention to small details and wound up getting the proportions wrongs, while also making too little progress.

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