Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

1. Restating basic proportion
2. Creating varied compositions from a single starting point

Original plan was to spend the day rechecking knowledge on breasts. First sketch did not go well; plan was derailed badly from there. Re-examined workflow to look for weak points regarding proportion and composition, learned that I shouldn't adjust the level of magnification until all the basic details are present.

Testing the idea that different magnification levels affect the way I draw. While this was known beforehand, the extent to which I was affected was not. Initial attempt does not fare well.

Checking basic proportions. Used as a guide the "Ideal Proportions" that are taught in most art classes/ schools, and a variation from Andrew Loomis. Considered comparing to Burne Hogarth, but reconsidered on remembering that Burne Hogarth draws "Burne Hogarth anatomy" instead of "real anatomy"; stylized heavily while still looking accurate, but essentially worthless as a reliable point of reference.

Creating the grid first, redrew the figure and proceeded to sketch in more detail over top of it. Features and muscles were drawn "blind", using no reference and relying entirely on memory. Results are less than desired, though promising; I had assumed that I'd forgotten quite a lot more than I have.

Challenge to create 4 different thumbnails from the same understructure. Used a torso this time as it is the easiest to work with (it being the centre point of most poses). Moderately happy with most of them, threw in a fat Powergirl because in spite of all this effort I am still a fetish-based cheesecake-drawing hack. Might continue with the Powergirl image.

~Nora <3 Betsy~
~ H E L L O L I A M ~

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